Brushtail Possums under threat from commercial interests
New Management Plan Approved
What is happening with possums?
A Draft Management Plan for the Commercial Harvest and Export of the Common Brushtail Possum in Tasmania was recently submitted to the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities for approval. Due to an influx of submissions from the public and groups like Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania, the plan has been amended and was resubmitted.
The Management Plan for the Commercial Harvest and Export of Brushtail Possums in Tasmania 2010-2015 is now conditionally approved by Minister Tony Burke but live trapping has been excluded.
Other conditions have been imposed such as the ‘humane' code of practice for shooting and abattoir practices. Unfortunately, this code simply enforces the status quo and possums are brutally killed along with you joeys.
Thank you to everyone who made a submission and made a difference for these animals. Bear in mind that shooting will still be allowed and there is still the potential for half a million possums to be killed each year. The fight is not over yet.
You are still an important part of helping us stop the escalating cruelty and suffering that wildlife in Tasmania must endure. Please write to newspapers, meet with your local MP and tell your friends.
Special thanks to Against Animal Cruelty Tasmania.