WLPA welcomes newest patron


18 DEC 2012: WLPA is very happy to welcome our newest patron, acclaimed Australian novelist Belinda Alexandra.

Belinda has published five novels to wide acclaim in Australia and New Zealand, France, Germany, Holland, Poland, Norway and Greece. She has been actively involved with WLPA and is a lifetime member, as well as a volunteer rescuer and carer for the NSW Wildlife Information and Rescue Service (WIRES).

Belinda posted the following message on her Facebook page:

"I was honoured last week when the World League for Protection of Animals (WLPA) Australia asked me to be their patron. I have big shoes to fill as that role was previously held by the late and very much loved Bryce Courtenay."

A big thank you to Belinda who we know will be a very hands on patron and thank you to Harper Collins Publishers for their generous support.

WLPA President Halina Thompson receiving a cheque from HarperCollins Australia CEO, James Kellow (far left), and publisher, Anna Valdinger (far right), with Belinda

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